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  • Mohanish Gautam

My loan application was rejected by a bank, should I apply through a personal loan app instead?

Reasons for Rejection of Personal Loan

Physically going to a bank can be tough, especially when you’ve a loan intention. Also, it involves deep research which is time-taking & power-packed. So obviously it gets more depressing when your loan application stands rejected. Ofcourse, you wish to avoid a situation where your loan application gets rejected. However, what’s the way out? First & foremost, the objective of applying for a loan is to get it approved. You can increase your chances by meeting the eligibility criteria and required documents. Even then if your loan application gets rejected, then you should apply for a loan through the mobile app.

The following shows the different reasons

Mobile Loan App – The ideal way to get loans

A Mobile App for personal loans works wonders when you’re in a shortage of funds. There are advantages of applying for an instant loan through an app. Firstly, the loan application and approval is a difficult job but not on an online platform. Firstly, your loan will be approved in no time, secondly, the amount will be transferred within a day as well. There’s a huge scope of improvement for banks when it comes to matching the current scenario like financing second-hand cars/ bikes. In contrast, instant personal loan apps can be used for the same purpose. Obviously, using an app is much more convenient compared to going physically. Here, the regulations have been further flattened depending on the lending institution.

Personal Loan Online through Home Credit

If your loan application has been rejected by your regular bank, then it’s perfect to apply for an instant loan via Home Credit. There are additional benefits of availing an online loan. The greatest of all is that it is effortless and time-saving. Secondly, you can easily apply from the comfort of your place. Alongside this, you’ll be able to reach out to the customer care for all raising concerns.

So whenever you an instant personal loan, download Home Credit Mobile App & apply for a loan up to 2 lakhs anytime, anywhere at a click.

When your loan application gets rejected, you tend to feel let down. You may lose sight of what to do & and what not. This gets you started by listing down the different reasons to have a rejected application.

Questions like how long are the gestation period to re-apply? What all precautions to take, how can I avoid making the same mistakes? Etc.

There’s always an alternative for an instant loan like credit cards, small business loans, car loans, personal loans, mortgages, etc. When you experience a strain between the loan you could have chosen & the lending institution you could have chosen, there’s a thin line to keep the negatives of an application at bay & actually work on it.

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