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How to Handling Debts

Mohanish Gautam

Updated: Jun 19, 2019

Managing Better Means Debts Never/Well Managed Is Well Earned

If you owe something to someone, settle it right else you will ruin your life. Debt is something that keeps increasing if it is kept pending. Anything can be termed as debt even your pending credit card bills or any other due payment. It is important to keep a track and execute a plan to clear all debts and live happy.

Ways to Plan your Finances or Debts

Know whom you owe and the amount you

The very first step to clear debts is to know about each one of them along with the amount.

Make a debt list periodically and create a plan to execute it.

Not delaying on utility bill payments

Any kind of utility comes with a fixed bill payment date. Never due on those dates or get the billing cycles adjusted as per your convenience for better management of finances.

Delay in paying bills affects credit history and adds on to the debt.

List and sequence your debtors list

If you have a list to pay off, priorities as per the dates, need, requirement and tenure etc. You should decide on whom to pay first and foremost as per the need of the person, tenure on how long the amount has been pending, the amount size, etc.

Follow a monthly payment calendar

There are several things we utilize; several things we rest up on. It is important to have a bill payment plan to maintain a balance. You know your expenses better. it is wise to segregate your payment plan so that the funds remain balanced. Making all the payment in the beginning might make you fall short on liquid funds in the coming days or if you put them towards the end might not leave you with enough balance to make the payments. Therefore, it needs to be optimized.

Foresee the difficult times

If you can see the downfall coming in near future, it is better to start finding the solution or have a backup plan ready based on the assumptions. Some funds kept aside or any other workaround should be ready even before the situation start changing for worse.

Must read:

How does debt Handling Help?

Debt handling saving you from falling into the trap from where it becomes difficult to move out. Life under debt is a major cause of sleepless nights and ill health. Being clear of debts is a life worthwhile, where an individual is relieved all the financial worries and works towards personal growth and development. Once if you start accumulating debt or leave in pending to clear in future, you will never be able to free yourself. It is always wise to plan on your expenses and then spend and save accordingly.



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